Fingerless glove

looking for what's missing... I'm a knitting, spinning, mother of teenagers with a big dog, a small cat, minus the lovely rabbit Meliflua.

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Location: Virginia, United States

Right now I'm listening to "Peace Is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hanh, reading "How to Change Your Mind" by Michael Pollan, knitting mittens, and thinking about casting on a hat.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Good evening, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated 39 years ago today. In a speech he made the night before, he said, " I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land."

We just have to remember to keep working at it.


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