Fingerless glove

looking for what's missing... I'm a knitting, spinning, mother of teenagers with a big dog, a small cat, minus the lovely rabbit Meliflua.

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Location: Virginia, United States

Right now I'm listening to "Peace Is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hanh, reading "How to Change Your Mind" by Michael Pollan, knitting mittens, and thinking about casting on a hat.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Girl with Scissors

You know how all little girls seem to cut their doll's hair? (or their sibling's? or their dog's?) I can't tell you the number of cute little plastic faces I've seen in thrift stores with unfortunate hair styles.

Cassie never did that. There was that time when she was 13 & baking a cake with a Barbie in the center & the cake for a skirt. Cass did give a judicious trim to that ridiculusly long ponytail of Barbie's so it wouldn't drag in the frosting. But that was for health reasons. Barbie really should wear a hairnet.

Well, all girls have a need to cut hair. It comes out sooner or later. When I mentioned I was thinking of getting my shoulder-length hair cut, Cassie piped up with, "Can I do it?"

Why not? It's only hair. Last night she was in the mood to cut hair, I was in the mood to have my hair cut, and we both had a blast. She was going for a "bed head" look. She wasn't entirely successful with that (thankfully). We're both please with how it turned out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cute! If she wants someone else to work her magic on, she's welcome to come and do mine.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. i should charge.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much more youthful a good short haircut can make one look. Good job Cassie. Did your Mom tip you? Of course 15 or 20 percent of nothing doesn't amount to too much does it?

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. she didn't tip, actually. i was rather insulted.

5:37 PM  

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