Fingerless glove

looking for what's missing... I'm a knitting, spinning, mother of teenagers with a big dog, a small cat, minus the lovely rabbit Meliflua.

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Location: Virginia, United States

Right now I'm listening to "Peace Is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hanh, reading "How to Change Your Mind" by Michael Pollan, knitting mittens, and thinking about casting on a hat.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Discipline is Remembering What You REALLY Want

"Discipline is remembering what you REALLY want" -- Pam Young

Think about it. This covers everything. Do you want to earn a college degree? To get more exercise? To get a new job? To lose weight? To wear that unfinished shawl in the gorgeous fall colors that's wadded up on a circular needle in your tote bag?

I can't imagine many cases when the following is an honest-to-goodness, deep-down true statement: "I could never do that. I don't have the self-discipline." It's not a matter of how much or how little self-discipline I have, it's a matter of making choices other than the ones that lead to what I want. I get distracted. I forget where I'm headed. If every time a cookie hovered near my mouth, the thought "I REALLY want to lose weight" sprang to mind, wouldn't that be easy?

Unfortunately, I have a selective memory. I forget I want to have smaller hips and remember how much I like peanut butter cookies. Life is a balancing act, but this week I'm practicing remembering what I REALLY want.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you're more goal oriented than "stuff" oriented about what you really want. That is a real blessing.

7:22 PM  

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